
Gospel Fest - 'Having Church' - together with Jonas Engström, Cinque Cullar and Mass choir in Malmö & Helsingborg, Sweden
New Year Concert with Röke Blås, Svenska kyrkan, Hässleholm, Sweden
Concert with 'Gospel för Hela Människan' supporting 'Noomi' - a shelter home in Malmö - at Hyllie Park, Malmö, Sweden
Inspiration day - Gospel för Hela Människan - Hyllie Park, Malmö, Sweden
Workshop and concert with Caroli Gospel and Harmony Gospel, Borås, Sweden
Inspiration day - Gospel för Hela Människan - Hyllie Park, Malmö, Sweden
Worship music weekend in Equmeniakyrkan, Kaxholmen, Sweden
Lunch music - Baguettemusik - with Andreas W Andersson, Allhelgonakyrkan, Råå, Sweden
Gospel workshop day and concert in Höganäs, Sweden
Workshop weekend with Gospel Harmony, Borås, Sweden
Items: 131 - 140 of 185
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